• Geetanjali 32 Intacts Dental Clinic
  • Mon to Sat : 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM
  • Sun : 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Clip & Braces


What are Clip & Braces

"Clip" and "braces" are terms related to orthodontic treatments aimed at correcting misaligned teeth and improving dental health and aesthetics.

Dental braces are appliances used to align or straighten the teeth. They do so by moving your teeth in the desired position. Being made of wires, brackets, and bands, they create the right push.

Apart from perfectly aligning the teeth, braces aid to correct the jaw positioning, improves speech & biting disorders, and is a major contributor in aesthetically enhancing your smile. The treatment options and modalities can only be known after a dental visit.

Types of Braces

Traditional Metal Braces :

  • Made of high-grade stainless steel.
  • Most noticeable type but also the most affordable and effective for complex cases.

Ceramic Braces :

  • Made of clear or tooth-colored materials.
  • Less visible than metal braces but can be more expensive and prone to staining.

Lingual Braces :

  • Placed on the backside (lingual side) of the teeth.
  • Not visible from the front but can be more challenging to clean and adjust.

Self-Ligating Braces :

  • Use a specialized clip instead of elastic ligatures to hold the archwire.
  • Can be metal or ceramic and may reduce treatment time and discomfort.

Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign) :

  • Custom-made, removable trays made of clear plastic.
  • Nearly invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning but require strict compliance.

Treatment Process

  • Initial Consultation :

    It includes assessment of dental health and orthodontic needs, and x-rays, photographs and impressions (molds) of the teeth.
  • Placement :

    Brackets are bonded to the teeth, and archwires are threaded through the brackets.
  • Adjustments :

    Regular visits (typically every 4-6 weeks) to adjust the archwires and ensure teeth are moving correctly.
  • Duration :

    Treatment time varies depending on the complexity of the case, usually between 1 to 3 years.
  • Retention :

    After braces are removed, retainers are used to maintain the new position of the teeth.

Advantages of Self-Ligating Braces

  • Reduced Friction :

    The clip mechanism reduces friction between the bracket and archwire, potentially allowing for smoother and faster tooth movement.
  • Shorter Treatment Time :

    Some studies suggest self-ligating braces can reduce the overall treatment time.
  • Fewer Adjustments :

    Less frequent adjustments may be needed compared to traditional braces.
  • Improved Comfort :

    Reduced pressure and friction can lead to greater comfort for some patients.